推荐平台 链接 平台介绍
币安网 注册链接 币安是全球领先的区块链生态系统,推出了一系列产品,其中包括最大的加密货币交易平台。我们的使命是在未来成为全球性加密货币基础架构供应商。
欧易OKX 注册链接 欧易是全球著名的数字资产交易平台之一,主要面向全球用户提供比特币、莱特币、以太币等数字资产的币币和衍生品交易服务。
HTX火币 注册链接 火币全球专业站,是火币集团旗下服务于全球专业交易用户的创新数字资产国际站,致力于发现优质的创新数字资产投资机会。


由 ZetaChain 主办,Hotcoin Global 和 BLOCKIN.AI 等协办的「Mainnet Web3+AI Party」9月20日晚在美国纽约成功举办,本次活动围绕Web3和人工智能技术融合展开讨论。








参与 本次活动的项目介绍:


Pioneering the Future of Digital Art

MetaSill is at the forefront of revolutionizing the digital art landscape. Dedicated to the development and advancement of AI-generated art and NFT (Non-Fungible Token) artistry, MetaSill seamlessly blends cutting-edge technology with artistic innovation. Our unique squared hardware displays are designed to captivate, while our unified software platform ensures flexibility and ease in setting up and managing pop-up galleries, making it an ideal choice for events of all scales.

What sets MetaSill apart is our interactive showcase of AI-generated art, paired with an automatic minting process on the blockchain. This groundbreaking feature has been spotlighted at major events such as NFTLA, Bitcoin Miami, and the Tribecca Film Festival, as well as a series of tech meetups and events. With MetaSill, art is not just viewed; it’s experienced, interacted with, and immortalized on the blockchain.

Join us as we reDeFine the boundaries of art and technology, creating immersive experiences that resonate with audiences worldwide.


Pioneers in the convergence of the physical and digital realms, w3vending.xyz introduces the innovative web3 vending machine. Transcending traditional vending, this unique product supports cryptocurrency transactions, enabling purchases ranging from beverages to snacks with digital assets like Bitcoin and Apecoin. Moreover, leveraging the power of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), users can redeem exclusive gifts, discounts, and even acquire digital assets directly. w3vending.xyz seamlessly merges everyday convenience with the boundless possibilities of the web3 ecosystem.


In an era where technology is reshaping industries, AIEvent stands at the interSECtion of AI and event management, offering innovative solutions tailored for the digital age. Recognizing the transformative potential of AI, we began our journey with an AI-powered ticketing system, addressing key challenges in the event sphere. Today, as we converge with the Blockchain realm, AIEvent is poised to integrate decentralized, transparent, and secure Blockchain features into its platform. Our vision is clear: to revolutionize event management by combining the predictive power of AI with the trust and security of Blockchain, ensuring every event is not just organized but optimized for the future.



一个与以太坊虚拟机兼容的 Layer 1 区块链,连接万物:构建可互操作的去中心化应用程序(dApps),跨足包括比特币在内的任何区块链;从一个地方便捷访问所有区块链。

值得注意的是,ZetaChain 以其庞大的用户群体脱颖而出,包括测试网上的 180 万用户、社区内的 150 万用户,以及行业内超过 100 个合作伙伴。近期其完成了 2700 万美元股权融资。

Hotcoin Global

Hotcoin Global于2017年在澳大利亚创立,致力于为全球用户提供24小时专业的数字资产交易服务。Hotcoin Global遵守KYC标准,并持有澳大利亚交易报告与分析中心(AUSTRAC)颁发的双重牌照。Hotcoin Global的现货和衍生品交易服务已覆盖90多个国家,拥有400w的注册用户。

作为一个中心化交易所,Hotcoin Global目前在全球范围内排名第前20,24小时交易量超过20亿美元。平台目前支持309种加密货币交易,并提供375个交易对,包括BTC/USDT、ETH/USDT等最受欢迎的交易对。用户还可以在C2C市场通过40多种法定货币直接购买加密货币,同时,平台也支持用信用卡直接购买。

Hotcoin Global为用户提供现货交易、杠杆交易、USDT合约、币本位合约、ETF、合约跟单、理财、Startup首发支持、C2C买币等服务。此外,平台还提供NFT交易市场服务。

推荐平台 链接 平台介绍
Gate芝麻开门 平台介绍 Gate.io芝麻开门创立于2013年,是全球真实交易量TOP10的加密货币交易平台,向全球数千万用户提供安全可靠、真实透明的数字资产交易服务。
Bitget 注册链接 Bitget的背后是一群区块链技术的早期接受者,也是区块链未来发展的信仰者,一直致力于提供安全、一站式的交易解决方案,帮助用户更聪明地交易。
Bybit 注册链接 Bybit通过数字资产与传统金融的结合,引领数字资产的生态发展。提供一流的流动性,致力于打造业内最安全、公平、高效及人性化的交易服务平台。
派网 注册链接 派网提供多样化的量化交易机器人,用户可依照自身交易需求和策略选择最适合的机器人。 同时派网也提供合约交易与合约网格机器人,给予更方便的合约交易体验。